Advertise with Flowroll

Want to get your brand or product in front of 12,000+ passionate Jiu Jitsu enthusiasts?

I’ve cultivated a newsletter audience where Jiu Jitsu fans from all levels – from white belt to black belt – gather to stay up to date on the latest trends, news, and gear in the sport.

Flowroll Newsletter Metrics

  • 12,000+ active subscribers

  • 50%+ average open rate

Join me in promoting the sport we all love, while reaping the rewards of brand loyalty and increased exposure. Let me help you score a clean submission in your marketing game with Flowroll 🤙 

Book an Ad

My pricing is straightforward, hassle-free, and self-serve. Once your ad payment is received, I'll contact you to arrange its placement in an upcoming newsletter.

As the newsletter expands, rates are rising. Purchase a bulk package now to guarantee the present rate and lock in an additional discount.

Example Ad

I offer a single ad spot: a native "story" positioned immediately after the main story of the day. This spot allows for a headline, a maximum of 150 words + 1 image, and a call-to-action button.

Once your ad has been showcased, I'll forward you a metrics report, enabling you to see the number of Jiu Jitsu enthusiasts who viewed and interacted with your ad.

Here's a sample ad:

The Fine Print

Everything should be pretty straightforward from above! I don’t talk during rolls, and I don’t “hop on calls” or take meetings for ads.

Think of it like a nice clean guard pass - pay for your ad, I’ll send over a form so you can provide the d copy/image/link/preferred run date, and I publish your feature… Not a long drawn out berimbolo of phone tag and back-and-forth negotiation.

I reserve the right to decline any advertisers I don’t want to work with. In particular, I’m not interested in promoting:

  • anything grey area (gambling, pharma, nudity, etc)

  • other Jiu Jitsu media properties and newsletters